By First Environmental
November 28, 2023
Water Stuff Using water to clean surfaces is as common as it gets. We wash our hands, we clean the dishes, we use a shower to get clean, and so on. This leads to one of our favorite discussions, flow versus pressure. The shower is pretty low pressure, so is the faucet. Even the Grand Canyon is an example of flow that is pretty low pressure (even the rapids). The flow of water will ‘cut’ stuff, it just takes a really long time. Same thing if you’ve ever left the hose on in the backyard for too long and it ‘cuts’ into the soil creating its own canyon. These are low-pressure circumstances. Adding pressure to that water changes a few things, but we are pretty familiar with those effects. If you add a nozzle to a garden hose, the sharper focus can remove/move more effectively. A garden hose without a nozzle moves easy items (leaves, debris…) and with a nozzle it is more focused and moves thicker items (caked on dirt/soil). If we turn that nozzle into a “pressure-washer” at 2000-4000 PSI, it removes certain “dirts/oils” with ease cleaning a patio or driveway making it look like new. When we kick up the pressure, the flow actually decreases, so you start to get the impact of the water in a more focused way where it is used to remove stubborn materials (resins, paints, hardened materials). Using a 10K or 20K water-blaster is a common way to clean tanks, trenches, grates, and other surfaces that get build-up of various types. On our path towards the 40K, it worth noting that a 10K or 20K water-blaster can cut softer materials (fiberglass, plastic, etc…).