February 23, 2024
Sampling and analytical are the collection method and test results used to make decisions about certain materials. For First Environmental, this is usually about waste disposal and profiling, but it can also be about abatement or health & safety. We utilize third party companies to do the analytical work, but helping our clients collect samples and finding the most appropriate (or required) test methods and sampling approach is something we get involved in daily. We also use trained experts to monitor specific materials that have toxicity to humans (asbestos, heavy metals). Sampling for disposal purposes The sampling is usually about the characteristics of certain waste materials, and the focus is on physical properties of the waste. Examples such as ignitability, corrosivity and reactivity, as well as various metal and organic materials are derived directly from the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and its supporting regulations found in the Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR 261). These sampling methods are designed to test for these physical properties or the presence of materials when tested that exceed a specified threshold which is identified in this section. “Totals” analytical provides a quantifiable result about the presence of certain materials in a sample. A TCLP (toxic characteristic leaching procedure) analytical is the basis for RCRA determination. Sampling for each of these items varies according to the test method, but ultimately are about determining whether the waste is hazardous or non-hazardous by these definitions. Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities (TSDF’s) have requirements about what types of materials they can receive and manage, including hazardous waste or non-RCRA waste, and this analytical or testing allows them to corroborate their ability to handle it. While the focus here is on hazardous waste, it can also apply to other property types including radioactive, TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act), etc…